Friday 13 June 2014

The meaning behind the Zambian flag

Looking at the various timelines and news feeds on my social media this week I’ve noticed an increase in England flags being paraded around, in anticipation of cheering on our team in the World Cup!

Us English love our St George’s cross and the Zambians are no different with their national flag.

This year Zambia will be celebrating 50 years of independence, and their flag tells their story. The colours used are rich in symbolism. Green stands for the nation’s lush flora (land), red for the nation’s struggle for freedom (blood), black for the Zambian people, and orange for the land’s natural resources and mineral wealth (copper).

Additionally, the eagle flying about the coloured stripes is intended to represent the people’s ability to rise above the nation’s problem.

So there you have it, a few facts about the Zambia flag, not that you’ll see it waving in Brazil this month! Maybe one day…!

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