Thursday 27 March 2014

Zambia - An insight into a beautiful culture

Usually, when people in the UK think about what life must be like in Zambia they tend to focus on the obvious differences; the warmer climate(!), the languages, the food, some of the traditions and aspects of the Zambian life.

One of my favourite things is when teams come with us over to Zambia and experience the culture for the first time - the sights, smells and sounds can give them sensory overload at first… The sound of many voices singing together in an incredible harmony, the wide smile of an old lady welcoming you to her community, the orange dust on your feet, the cheeky grin of a small child, the texture of Nshima in your mouth as you eat it for the first time, a game of football out in the hot sun and the list goes on…

And yet, even with all these differences I’m struck time and time again by our common loves and surprising similarities. The climate, language and food might be different from ours but we really are more similar than we are different.

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