I posed this question to the UK based office of Beyond Ourselves and they instantly replied, “The team: Jodie, Karen, Dan, Melissa and Rebecca, that’s five!” - I think they’re slightly biased! Then again, it is a great team, what’s not to love?!
Just in case you don’t feel the same way about us as we do, here are five slightly less self-centred reasons to love Beyond Ourselves:
1. 100% of the child sponsorship money goes to our partner schools in Zambia. We don’t take a cut for the UK, for any admin or marketing.
2. Every child at our partner schools receives the benefit of the sponsorship. There’s no favouritism.
3. Local sustainability is key to the future of the schools, and that’s why we’re investing in social enterprises in each school community.
4. Partnership is something we believe in. We partner with three schools in Zambia and our partnerships in the UK with schools, churches and businesses help make that happen.
5. Today, as you read this, there are over 800 children, 28 teachers and 8 cooks who have a pretty good reason to love Beyond Ourselves too!
So please, do check us out today!
Website: http://www.beyondourselves.co.uk/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BOZambia